The AFA Ciné-Club is proud to present one short film along with a feature film. This showing will be in presences of Champs-Elysées Film Festival Artistic Director, Justin Léveque and will be followed by a Skype Q&A with the filmmaker.
Directed by Maximilian Badier Rosenthal
With Marcel Jacq, Ely Penh
France, 2017, 15-min, Comedy Drama - In French and Vietnamese with English subtitles
Harold, a young French man born Vietnamese, brings a leather armchair to his grand-father. This new furniture will disturb them more than anything else...
Directed by Marine Atlan
With Théo Polgar, Madeleine Follacci, Aurélien Gabrielli, Emmanuelle Cuau
France, 2018, 60min, Psychological Drama - In French with English subtitles
Daniel, 10 years old, has the rehearsal of his school's end of year show, but he arrives late and loses his way. He suddenly catches Marthe in the locker room, a new relationship will tie them together.