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Summer Brown Bag Lunch Refreshers: Passé-composé VS imparfait, session 2/3 - Online

In this workshop taught by AFA instructor Maryvonne, you will start off by reading a short French story written in both tenses. Then, you will dissect it step by step and understand which contexts require the "passé composé" or the "imparfait".

Finally, you will put together everything that you have learned so far by building up your own story blending seamlessly both tenses. As practice makes perfect, Maryvonne will also provide additional exercises to bring you one step further.

This is a series of workshops recommended for students of A2 to B1 levels. This workshop can be taken as a series (August 2nd, 3rd and 4th) or individually.

Our Brown Bag Lunch Workshops are to serve as sweet and short refreshers about the main and most difficult French grammatical points.

Here is the LINK to register.