January Selection - Le dernier jour d'un condamné (Last Day of a Condemned)
This book summary from The last day of a convict "is a literary work of French writer Victor Hugo, published in 1829 (1st edition). This very poignant book relates, as its name suggests, the last days of a convict. The author plunges us into the world of this man's thoughts, his anxieties, his fears, his horrors and even his hopes for the idea of death. The author reveals to us neither the name of this man, nor what he did to condemn, except for the phrase: "I, miserable man who committed a true crime, who shed blood!"
Alliance Française d’Austin’s Club de Lecture is a French book club for reading enthusiasts who wish to read French and participate in discussions of French literature. Book discussion is conducted in French. Club de Lecture participation is for current AFA members. If you'd like to take part in Austin's French book club, join Alliance Française of Austin today! Feel free to bring a beverage and snack as we discuss the month’s selection. It is recommended that Club de Lecture members have at least an intermediate level of French proficiency to join book discussion. AFA members with lower levels of French are always welcome to attend and listen....
While there is no charge for the event, space is limited so we ask that you RSVP here so we can be sure we can accommodate everyone participating!