OCTOBER SELECTION: Les Bimanes by Severine Cecile Abega - A man worthy of the species must wear a jacket, a tie, trousers with a sharp fold, a dazzling shoe of waxing. His French must be impeccable, his office air conditioned, his wallet well stocked. The rest is only imitation. As soon as he stops serving paper and ink to use tools, he is no longer a man. It's a bimane. Through these seven stories, one feels the author's warm sympathy for the people of the bush, for the workers of the city. His caustic humor is willingly exercised against officials, the haves, the profiteers of all kinds.
Alliance Française d’Austin’s Club de Lecture is a French book club for reading enthusiasts who wish to read French and participate in discussions of French literature. Book discussion is conducted in French. Club de Lecture participation is for current AFA members. If you'd like to take part in Austin's French book club, join Alliance Française of Austin today! Feel free to bring a beverage and snack as we discuss the month’s selection. It is recommended that Club de Lecture members have at least an intermediate level of French proficiency to join book discussion. AFA members with lower levels of French are always welcome to attend and listen....
While there is no charge for the event, space is limited so we ask that you RSVP here so we can be sure we can accommodate everyone participating!